Grass on the Other Side - Blue Hour Lighting

Shot captured with ray traced reflections

Shot captured with ray traced reflections

Shot captured with ray traced reflections

Shot captured with ray traced reflections

Grass on the Other Side is a solo project I have been working on for a while now. All the screenshots and videos are rendered in-game, in real-time on Unreal Engine 4.

I wanted to explore 'Blue Hour' lighting for the project! I was always mesmerized by the subtle soft palette that blue hour lighting causes. Granted, it's a really hard lighting scenario to pull off as you are relying on indirect lighting only and tends to make the image flat. Lighting is mainly static baked into lightmaps with dynamic objects lit with volumetric lightmaps. As always, I aim to light games in a way that it's performant and playable in game.

Huge shoutout to Zach Gainer who created the kickass logo for the project