General / 31 October 2020

Free PBR Validation Tool for UE4

Couldn't find any PBR validator (at least when I was making this), so I quickly made one for UE4 

Link to download:

What does it do?

  • It's a post process material that validates PBR range in the scene on Unreal Engine 4
  • Checks for ranges between -
    1. Dielectric materials: sRGB (30-240) and sRGB (50-240) for strict range
    2. Metals - sRGB (180-255)
  • Shows different error coloring for metals and non-metals 
  • Easily change the error colors and add 'false color' option for ease of reading 
  • Masks out skybox based on distance that can be entered by the user
  • Tested on UE4.25. I would assume it would work on previous versions too


Overview of the material

Base color range for Metals 

Base color range for Dielectrics

Sky masking and False colors map